What about dental ceramics?


Few patients know the exact process of rebuilding a tooth, and this usually happens when the dentist explains the process to patients before the procedure is actually performed. The rest of us know close to nothing about the dental area.

I myself must say that I had nothing to do with dental ceramics build-up until I faced this procedure. Then, I realised that there are a lot of people who do not know what this process means, so I decided to explain it in a few words, so that anyone can understand it.

Let’s talk about dental ceramic build-up. Dental ceramics (also known as porcelain) is normally applied on top of a metal or zirconia structure that gives strength to the whole restoration. The technician must apply several layers of porcelain, so that the final result will be what the dentist and the client expects : a fully aesthetic artificial crown that will be very hard to distinguish from the other teeth.[adsenseyu1]

First, it was hard for me to understand why it is taking so long. Beeing an engineer, I found it hard to believe that the reconstruction of a tooth can take so long. However, after my dentist and I had a chat, I understood that the layers ensure not only the colour and the beauty of my tooth, but also its resistance to many external factors.

I might say that ladies will understand the situation better, but men will also get the general picture. Well ladies, the applying of the layers is similar to applying the polish on top of the nails. First, a coat to ensure the adhesion layer, a base, and after that the aesthetic layer, the final layer of polish. For men it is even easier. A first coat of adhesion layer, let’s say a water based resin, a base, and a top coat applied on top in order to ensure the beauty and the final gloss.

Though my examples are pretty good, they are both referring to processes that are not affecting the mouth cavity. In the dental case, we are talking about a process that must be performed so accurately, that the differences between the ceramic restoration and the remaining natural teeth are reduced to a minimum. The prosthesis and the natural teeth must look alike ; for that, the technician must match the color, shape and size of the artificial crown to your remaining natural teeth.


Because we got to the materials used for dental restorations, we must say that porcelain rules without a doubt. Thought it is an expensive material, it is the best in the market so far. It gives artificial teeth a natural look, and, at the same time, it has high resistance and strength , and it cannot be affected by stains.

These being said, I think that everyone who has the need to build-up a tooth should give a chance to this procedure. It may be expensive, but this depends on the volume of work and on the materials used (there are various types of porcelain restorations).

But if you think well, this may be the opportunity for you to have the denture that you always wanted. Talk to a specialist, or look over the Internet. You may learn that without your teeth, you will not be able to do the same things, eat the same food, or do anything that you had done before.

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