Paracelsus – the father of modern alchemy


Paracelsus, the father of modern alchemy, lived in the early 16th century in Switzerland. He was a prominent doctor renascentitst who had a passion for botany, astrology, alchemy and the occult. He is the founder of the discipline of toxicology, focusing on observing nature in ancient texts detrimental to observe and modernize medical practices of the time.

Born on November 11 or December 17, 1493 as evidence, the scientist passionate in occult teachings given name less known on substances and studied several at the time such as gas or zinc, and bringing the term alcohol from arabs and discovering some diseases related with psychological disorders that are currently known.

Paracelsus took its name from the Roman encyclopedist Aulus Cornelius Clesus self-ostensibly “equal to or greater than Celsus”, as translated name.


Although during his time medicine, science and theology were not yet separated by the principles that govern, the scientist criticized the scholastic methods that governments and tried to define itself for at least three separate fields of learning, helping himself with empirical and physical evidence that he sought throughout his quite short life, considering that the September 24, 1541, just 47 years old, he died.

He was Catholic, but reneged organized religion in general, preferring to remain an outcast his entire life, which has led to changing behavior.

Much of his theoretical work is not currently recognized in the first instance because it is not accompanied by scientific evidence to thank the scientists of our time, but his thoughts and conceptions have led to a dynamic approach towards science health.

Contribution to the occult sciences

As he was fascinated by the occult sciences, Paracelsus tried his whole life to discover the connection between the physical and esoteric, is known in the first instance to encode primary alchemy substances, which are three in number and called the tria first: salt, mercury and sulfur. This term refers rather to principles – as is the case in much of alchemy texts – and not natural substances as they are known by most people. The salt is solid while mercury is a symbol of transformation and mobility and sulfur is combustibility and the connection between solid and transformation.


The three primordial elements were also the basis of human identity, because sulfur is formed soul desires and emotions while salt is the physical and mercury becomes spirit or mental faculties, moral judgment or imagination. By understanding the concept of tria first, a physicist could understand the human body and provide a cure to diseases monopolizing it.

Paracelsus had a passion for astrology too, not only alchemy, by publishing in his lifetime a correlation between certain planets known at that time, and metals which govern them. The moon was offered a silver metallic element of government, while Saturn received lead and Mars iron, for example.

Moreover, Paracelsus is the one who developed a secret key known in occult circles as the Magic Alphabet, this alphabet coded replacing letters with symbols to create astrology amulets.

Contributions in medicine

Paracelsus tried throughout his life to delineate theology medicine and rudimentary science, trying to uncover possible diseases diagnoses and their remedies before applying treatment. He understood the concept of pathogens, choosing to disregard that time beliefs according to which the disease is the result of imbalance of the four humors of the body or demonic possession.

He rightly believed that most diseases and remedies were based on chemical elements, although in the hands of incompetent doctors these became sure toxins or poisons. Many consider him the primary father of surgery, toxicology, chemotherapy, psychotherapy and homeopathy.

A true rebel of the time, Paracelsus was known for his independent and stubborn temper. His modernist conceptions are what brought him trouble because the alchemist was seen mutli times burning ancient medical books that he considered obsolete, wanting to teach in German and not in Latin, much more accepted at the time.

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